
How To Treat Skin While Losing Weight

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/Flickr

Skin rashes can be irritating, and non just because of the concrete discomfort many cause. Even with the internet, identifying them tin can be a challenge given how many kinds of rash are out there. Yet, while rare rash-inducing tropical diseases certainly exist, more frequently than not, skin conditions are the effect of more ordinary causes. If yous have a skin rash, the odds are good that it's the effect of 1 of these conditions.

Besides known as eczema, dermatitis and atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis (AD) is the scientific term for a astringent and chronic form of eczema that appears as red and itchy patches of skin on the hands, feet, ankles, upper body and limbs. It's common in children and can flare upwards as early every bit the first ii or three months of life. The skin becomes dry, scaly and itchy, and constant scratching may effect in scabs or the skin darkening or lightening where the Advert tends to spread. While information technology's rarer in adults, especially for a first example, it tin can happen. Betwixt 10 and twenty per centum of children and one to three pct of adults worldwide hav Advertizing, and cases are increasing over time. Although the crusade of Ad is unknown, it's tied to genetics, allergies and the immune system. AD is non contagious.

While AD can improve or disappear over time, in that location is no known cure for it. However, there are ways to treat information technology. Over-the-counter and prescription lotions, phototherapy, and immunosuppressive and biologic drugs that prevent the immune system from inadvertently attacking the body can all help reduce symptoms and the frequency of breakouts. While certain steroids tin be used in extreme cases, they're usually not recommended. People tin also reduce their Advertisement past fugitive potential triggers. While triggers vary from person to person, they may include stress, extreme temperatures and chemicals such equally certain laundry detergents or hand soaps.


Like all autoimmune disorders, psoriasis is acquired by the immune system overreacting and targeting the body instead of harmful germs. In the example of psoriasis, the result is inflammation and fast turnover for skin cells, which in turn causes thick, scaly peel patches that feel itchy, dry, painful or even hot. Information technology often appears on the scalp, confront, elbows, lower dorsum, hands, knees and anxiety, but it can besides touch finger- and toenails, the rima oris and more. x to twenty per centum of people with psoriasis also go on to develop psoriatic arthritis. While psoriasis occurs mostly in adults, anyone tin have this immune disorder. It'south not contagious.

Treatment for psoriasis depends on its severity and location. Creams and ointments are ordinarily applied to affected areas, and ultraviolet therapy may besides be recommended. Medicines, including methotrexate, are oft prescribed by a doctor.

Drug Rash

In many cases, a pare rash is the event of medication. They tin can vary profoundly in size, area, color, advent, severity and length; they can take the form of mild redness or swelling in a pocket-size area, or they tin can involve large amounts of peeling skin. Some appear immediately after taking a drug, while others announced days or fifty-fifty weeks later or are triggered by exposure to sunlight. Even mouth sores can be a form of drug rash.

Fortunately, many kinds of drug rash can be stopped just by no longer taking the medication that triggered it. If the rash is bothersome, antihistamines and corticosteroid creams tin assistance with the discomfort. However, if the rash is severe, information technology could demand firsthand medical attending. This is particularly true if it's accompanied by breathing bug.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when you come up into direct contact with a substance that irritates your pare, either as part of an allergic reaction or otherwise. Substances that can cause not-allergic contact dermatitis include solvents, sawdust and other airborne particles, rubbing alcohol, bleach and some other detergents, sure plants and some shampoos. Contact dermatitis may come with a ruddy rash, inflammation, dry or cracked skin and bumps or blisters. People experiencing it may feel itching, burning or tenderness. While non-allergic contact dermatitis appears wherever you made contact with an irritating substance, the allergic variety can also announced on a small part of your body even if you ingested the allergen rather than touching it.

Treatment is usually equally uncomplicated as avoiding contact with the substance in question and using ointments, cold and moist compresses and other remedies you lot can either purchase at the drug shop or make yourself. However, if the rash is sudden, painful or widespread, you may want to make an date with a medico. This is also true if it affects the face up or genitals, doesn't get better in three weeks or otherwise interferes with life. You lot should get to the doctor immediately if the rash causes an infection (ofttimes characterized by pus or blisters); damages the mucous lining of your mouth or digestive tract; or comes with inflammation or pain in the optics, lungs or nose.


Tinea corporis (ringworm) is caused by a fungus that produces an itchy, cerise, raised rash in the form of a ring that expands as the infection spreads. Despite the proper noun, this skin condition does non involve worms of whatsoever time and is instead only a fungus. It is highly contagious with peel-to-skin contact, so information technology's important to keep it covered. People without ringworm should avoid contact with unwashed wear, bedding and towels from someone who does take information technology. Athlete'south human foot (which affects the feet) and jock crawling (which affects the groin) are closely related.

Ringworm can be treated with ointments bachelor for purchase in your local drugstore that contain clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole or terbinafine. If ringworm persists or appears on the scalp, a doc should be consulted. In that case, prescription fungicides may be needed.

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